Thursday, May 7, 2009

House Dana 3.5.09

Before my brother came back to visit my parents, I decided to have house dana. It just came to my mind that it would be good for my parents. But I was not sure how to go about it. My dad had once invited monks over to his house back in Perlis after he was struck with stroke back in the 70s.

Luckily, I have a friends who gave me valuable advice. They are Charles Ong whom I met online at PGHK and Sunny Khoo who is Charles' friend and I had Sunny in my Facebook. So I contacted both of them. I then proceeded to Heng Ghee's place to discuss with him and his wife since he is my dad's Godson. Poay Eng gave me some tips.

I decided to choose the monks at the Burmese Temple at Burmah Lane as it is nearer to my home. Frankie drove me to the temple on that very day. I was not sure where to make the appointment. Frankie led me to the hall and there he asked a couple of ladies minding a stall. They told us to see the lady in the temple at the counter. She asked us to see the monk who was sitted at the end of the hall. I went to him and after paying respect to him, I told him my intention.

I never know that it was so easy to invite monks home for house dana. Bhante was so pleasant and helpful.

The day came with much excitement. My cousins each brought food that they cooked. So we have plenty on that day. Bhante arrived and all of us lined up to pay respect to him. Then we were all sitted on the floor. Bhante explained to us about doing dana and he explained every parittas that he chanted. He did not want us to follow blindly.

My dad may not be able to think well now but he did tell me that he was very very happy for the dana. Well, I hope to hold more house dana in future as my parents are not able to go to the temple to offer dana now.

It is good too to transfer merits to the devas, petas and to our dead relatives who may have reborn as hungry ghosts. And also to practice metta. I felt a lot of metta being radiated. As my parents are staunch Buddhist, I will fulfill their aim for them as long as I am alive.


FAD MOM said...

that was insightful. thanks for posting this up, Nancy

Unknown said...

by the way nancy. next time if u need help let me know.
i can help....